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Elizabeth Freeman


Favorite bike:
My mom's Colnago C-40 HP.

Why/how I started cycling:
I started cycling because my parents cycle and it's cool!

Cycling Goals:
Average 20 mph on time trials.

Cycling History/Accomplishments:
I got my road bike in February 2003.  It was winter, so my dad put my bike on the indoor trainer.  Dad and I worked out together watching Troy Jacobson tapes.  Later in 2003, I was the first Kid "Girl" Partner.

Athletic Accomplishments:
2001, 2002, and 2003 Presidential Fitness Awards.  I completed 6 kid triathlons.  I have finished in the top three of my age group.  In 2001, 2002, and 2003 I qualified for the Gwinnett County Championship Swim Meet.  My favorite stroke is butterfly. My favorite swim event is the Individual Medley.

Worst crash:
I have not crashed YET!

Interesting Goals:
I want to break my personal 1-mile time trial record.  Next year, after my birthday, I want to complete a sprint triathlon with my dad!