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David Goodman


Favorite bike:
Coach Frazier's "Bike of Pain" (Cervelo P3).

Why/how I started cycling:
The kids cycling group looked like fun.  And my mom said it would be exercise.

Cycling Goals:
To become the world's best cyclist.

Cycling History/Accomplishments:
I started bicycling at the age of 5.  I got off training wheels at the age of 6. I was camping with my grandparents.  While I was riding on a trail, my training wheels fell off.

Athletic Accomplishments:
Swim team - 2 years.  2003 Age Group High Point Total.

During the 2003 soccer season, I scored 3 goals in the first minute of the game.

Collins Hill Basketball  League - 2 years.

Neighborhood Tennis Team - 1 year.


Worst crash:
Fell on Nicky when we touched wheels.  It was Nicky's fault.