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Mike TindolMike Tindol

Bugman II

Favorite bike:
Cervelo P2C

Why/how I started cycling?
Listening to my brother's story about bike races and triathlons. I wanted to train for triathlons. I paid my dues trying to hang on with this group.

Date started cycling:

Current cycling motivation:
To become a stronger cyclist in order to have an advantage in Triathlon races.

When the day comes to retire from triathlons and racing, I can honestly say I did the best I could do, and I enjoyed the time spent reaching that point.

Other interesting facts:
Multi-sports. 15 years a triathlete, more on a competitive level since 1997. Completed 5 Ironman Triathlons consisting of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and finishing with a 26.2 mile run.

Number of bikes:
Three: Cannondale road bike, Cervelo P2C tri-bike, and a mountain bike.

Dream bike:
Retirement bike - Colnago.

Cycling accomplishments:
Wilson Ride-Double Metric. Most Memorable: 200-mile training ride for the 2005 Sebring 12-hour race.  Other: Finishing the 2007 Brasstown Bald Buster Century under 6 hours.

My worse crash:
I was completing a group ride in 1998. I was out front at the finishing portion of the ride and decided to pull out to the left to cool-down for the last mile. A rider was coming up on the outside. Our wheels tangled and we both went down. It resulted in a separated shoulder, cracked helmet, and some road rash. I don't know what was worse, the dent in my new bike or the 6 months of recovery.

Frazier Cycling
Serious Cycling - Long Distance, Speed, Endurance - Organized Rides Suwanee, GA

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