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Mike Notheis

Elizabeth, my wife and sons Ryan & Brandon

Favorite bike:
Cannondale R800 or the one I am riding at the moment.

Why/how I started cycling?
In 1979, after tearing my ACL in half, I started cycling to help rehabilitate my knee at a doctor's recommendation.

Break 26 mph on any ride!

Other interesting facts:
Shooting sports; White Tail Deer hunting.

Number of bikes:
3, 1 mountain bike; 2 road bikes.

Cycling race & tour history:
1981,with Greg Wilhelm, rode from Tampa, FL to Fremont, OH (1150 miles in 14 days). 1983, with Greg Wilhelm & Lonnie Freeh rode from Seattle, WA out to Pacific ocean; then across the northern U.S & Canada to Portland, ME; then back to Fremont, OH. (4460 miles in 60 days). Included: 13 centuries; covered 750+ miles in one week. Crossed four major U.S. mountain ranges. Lots of memories and wonderful sightseeing. Finished 4th place in Georgia Games in 1993 in open category criterium. Raced CAT 4 & 5 for two seasons. Achieved riding 5000+ miles for the last four consecutive years.

Longest ride:
146 miles (Chattanooga - '98, '99 & 20000).

Fastest ride:
25.74 mph lunch time 20 miler (w/ gang).

Worst Crash:
Riding behind Ralph, he lost it on a damp corner. I ran into him as he went down. Ralph was ok. I had a severely scraped ankle (scar to prove it)!

Life lessons learned:
I could not have achieved the level of riding or enjoyment of the sport of cycling without the loyal support and sacrifice of my lovely wife Elizabeth. Over the years she has put up with a lot while I rode. A special thanks goes out to her perpetually. Thanks goes out to Ralph Frazier for helping me to learn to dig deep and push hard beyond what I thought I could do! Finally, thanks to Cathy Frazier for putting up with all of us who ride with Ralph. We appreciate your sacrifice, too!