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Steve Kester

Favorite bike:
Kestrel carbon

Why/how I started cycling:
I got into biking when I started triathlon. I won an Ironman Centurian at my 3rd triathlon in 1988.

Date started cycling:
1987, but 2002 is when I started in earnest.

Cycling Goals:
To place at the Hawaii Ironman in 2004. To cycle across the US with an FCP group.

Other Interesting Facts:
Completed Florida Ironman with a broken ankle.

Best Favorite Sport:
Running, but only because my favorite activity is eating.

Best Favorite Sport::
Running, but only because my favorite activity is eating.

Number of bikes:
3 - Kestrel, my original Centurian on my indoor trainer, and a mountain bike.

Cycling History/Accomplishments:
Qualified for Hawaii during my first Ironman race, largely on the results of my bike.

Most Memorable Cycling Story:
Got attacked by a pack of wild dogs on an Arizona Indian reservation. Rode with Paula Newby-Frazier (no relation to Ralph) during the entire Florida Ironman.

Favorite Ride:
Prescott, AZ

Worst crash:
Having a front row seat at Lee Freeman's crash on Buford Highway at 38 MPH hurt me more than you could imagine.